Paintless Dent Repair

Rather than a regurgitated version, Dent Out PDR would like to outline what we believe you, the customer should know, to consider and determine if Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) is the right choice for you property damage.


Most *IMPORTANT* as we do at Dent Out PDR, before even starting a repair, we evaluate the damage to determine if PDR is the correct procedure to repair your automobile.

Our evaluation system provided Free by Dent Out PDR technician

1: Is the dent capable of repair?
– If we believe the damage falls within repairable condition, the customer is told so along with a realistic estimate of how well of a repair it is going to be.
We all hope for flawless (undetectable) repair and will let you know if we truly believe this will be the result.
There are many repairs that are not capable of a flawless finish and we will discuss this with you. These repairs to the untrained eye will be unnoticeable but a professional will be able to detect them.
We do offer improvement work which will be noticeable but reduced dramatically.

2: Access to the damage.
Next our technician has to determine how they will access the dent.
For you the customer this is a vary important question to ask if you are getting a estimate from another company.
Our tech will evaluate and inform you;
– If there is a direct access point to the damage
– if parts, a tail/head light have to be removed or other Removal and Installation has to occur to gain access to the damage.
– If drilling is needed to acquire access to the damaged area.
A small hole is made and after repair a factory plug is installed into the hole.

Our YouTube channel has videos showing this process. Follow at

Some companies will not inform you of these details which we believe are important to our clients decision making.

The only thing left will be what you as the customer, being the final decision maker, would like to do.
If PDR is not a fit for your damaged property we will recommend another alternative.